

  • With Giomi, F. and Schwoon, K.  “Live electronics in Luciano Berio’s music”, Computer Music Journal 27 (2), 2003 MIT Press – pp. 30-46;
  • With Giomi, F. and Schwoon, K.  “Electroacoustic music in a multi-perspective architectural context: a sound installation for Renzo Piano’s Auditorium in Rome”, Organised Sound 8 (2), 2003 Cambridge University Press – pp. 157-162;
  • With Canavese, F., Giomi, F. and Schwoon, K.  “Asymmetrical Envelope Shapes in Sound Spatialization” proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing (SMC) 2008, Berlino, Germania;
  • “La spazializzazione del suono”, Connesioni, n° 13, 2008 B2B Media;
  • With Giomi, F. “Opere interattive a Tempo Reale” atti del convegno La Terra Fertile 2010, Sassari;